MOMIS (short) How To

How perform the MOMIS common operations.

Setting environment variables

This command set your shell environment for compiling and executing MOMIS modules:
in the dir $dmt type
source 0setVars
Moreover if you want to use the Query Manager, you have to set this variable
source ~db2inst1/sqllib/db2cshrc

Eventually Start MOMIS Servers

YOU SOULD NOT USE THIS COMMAND, usually server process are ever running as corni processes.
MOMIS to run require to start some Server process like the MomisFactory, OdbTools and Wordnet servers.
To start such servers (and a few dummy wrappers), in the dir $djp type.
startMomis start
To stop such servers, in the dir $djp type
startMomis stop
To start bridge Rmijdbc (as zanni!)
java RmiJdbc.RJJdbcServer

HowTo run SI-Designer

prerequisites: To run the SI-Designer GUI, in the dir $dmt type:
To start SI-Designer using a saved status use the command
var/ -l statusFile.mms

var/ -x statusFile.xml

HowTo Start a wrapper

It depends from the wrapper.
See the wrapper documentation or (and only after) ask to the wrapper developer.

HowTo Start the ODLi3 parser

Given a file containing a ODLi3 description the following instruction will run the parser on such file. The parser will create a tree of ODLi3 data structures that represents the information containd in the given file.
 # Goto in the developement dir
 cd $dmt
 # sets the environment variables
 source $dmt

Far girare MOMIS in Linux

On Tue, 23 Jan 2001, megadave wrote:

>   Pensi sia possibile fare girare il prototipo sotto linux in modo che
> funzioni
> esattamente come su solaris?
> Quale shell devo usare per eseguire gli script di MOMIS, ho provato la
> csh ma con scarsi risultati...?
> A quali aspetti devo fare attenzione?
>      Davide.
La shell che usiamo qui e' tcsh, in realta' io uso sempre la bash (e mi trovo benissimo) anche qui. Per far funzionare gli script di momis (0setenv o qualcosa di simile) con la bash basta scrivere
. 0setenv
pero' (c'e' il trucco) devi prima definire una nuova funzione di ambiente chiamata setenv! Io nel mio .bashrc ho queste righe:
    function setenv () {
      export $1="$2"
Poi basta settare i path corretti nei file
e nei file *.conv come momis.conf o siDesigner.conf
Altre note
The MOMIS Home Page Last Update: 26 April 03